Frequently Asked Questions
What is the zoning of MBP?
M-1 Light Industrial District and may include warehousing and distribution businesses, as well as retailing, light manufacturing, research facilities, offices, and other uses.
Are there any prohibitive uses?
Residential and heavy industrial.
Is there a maximum building height?
The maximum building height is thirty-six (36) feet.
Does each lot have a water meter?
Each lot has 2 water meters from a private water system. One is for potable water and one for non-potable (irrigation) water. There is a monthly service fee but no upfront fee for the meters.
How will sewage disposal be handled?
The County wastewater system services the Subdivision.
Are all other utilities available?
The electrical, telephone and cable television systems will be located underground within the roadway and provided to the boundary of each Lot. Gas service is not provided by the Subdivider, but may be obtained in tanks directly from a gas supplier at the purchaser’s cost.
Is there an owner’s association?
Yes. All lot owners are to be members with voting rights.